
Bailero From Chants D'Auvergne

Marie-Joseb Canteloube studied music composition at Schola Cantorum in Paris and wrote symphonic poems, operas, chamber music and even some books before his death in 1957.

Particularly famous among his works are arrangements of traditional French folk songs which he collected by travelling across the country and gave them music scores. Folk songs from his native place, Auvergne, are very popular.

One typical example is "Bailero" which is the second song in the first volume of "Chants d' Auvergne," ("Song of a Shephard.") It is often included in the repertoire of French singers.

The piece in B-flat major and in simple quadruple time, with the designation "idyllic and meditative,"starts with a prelude on the wood winds, followed by a dialogue between a shephard and a maiden.

Maiden : "Mr.Shephard, is there much fun there across the river? Lerolero, bailero lo."
Shephard : "Not much. How about over there? Lero, bailero lo.
Maiden : "Beautiful flowers are in full bloom here. Why not come here, crossing the river?
Lerolero, bailero lo."
Shephard : "Why don't you come over here, with cozy grass in the meadow? Lero, bailero lo."

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