If you have a any appreciation at all for the human voice raised in song, you will absolutely LOVE this album!! I have had this album on cassette since 1990, but until three weeks ago, I'd never listened to the entire cassette. I had only listened to the first song on side A because I was that was the version of "Ave Maria" I was familiar with. THIS ALBUM is the best compilation of choral music ever!!! It's not just different versions of "Ave Maria"; it is a compilation of songs whose theme is Maria. I particularly like the Giovanni Battista Pergolesi duet, "Stabat mater: Sancta mater istud agas". You would have to be DEAD not to fall madly, deeply and completely in love with this song. All the songs on this album are GEMS!!! I highly recommend this album. I'm buying the CD version myself, as I have been playing my cassette to death. Buy the CD already!!!! (Comment by Kathy-Anne R. Lewis"lewi7890") See more.
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